Faculty of Law, Mangalayatan University, Jabalpur stands for excellence in legal education and is snuggled in the city of Jabalpur. The primary objective of the department is to promote advanced studies and research in law so as to meet the social, economic and other changing needs of the Indian society.

The curriculum and pedagogy for law is designed considering the evolving needs of the society, which is tutored by multi-talented, qualified, skilled and fervent faculty members. Further in order to provide the field experience to the students, various stakeholders including the members of the Bar and Bench, Corporate Sector and International Experts participate and trains the students for profession ready.
We endeavor to create world-class professionals, dedicated academicians, law reformers, and to train justice dispensers and activists.


With the passage of time use of internet, cell phones have been revolutionized in a drastic manner including how we communicate, bank, shop, obtain the news, and entertain ourselves etc. This digitalization has given birth to the new evil of internet world i.e., Cybercrime. The term Cybercrime is an umbrella term covering various computer related crimes. Thus the course is designed in such a manner to provide a clear insight in the concept of Cybercrimes. The objective of the course is to spread awareness about new emerging crimes in the Cyber world and redressal mechanism available for its adjudication.

The course shall be conducted in both online and offline mode.


The people following under the below mentioned category can purse the course:

  • Students(10+2)
  • Lawyers
  • Faculties


  • 6 Days
  • 2 hrs daily interactive sessions(6×2=12hrs)


The registration fee for the course for students and teachers of Mangalayatan University, Jabalpur is Rs 150 and for outsiders Rs 300. Each participating student will get a certificate of participation.
Kindly fill the form by clicking on the link given below-



Shivangi Sharma- 9755698136/8305060054
(Assistant Professor of Law)